"inter/intra-patient; affine transformation; mutual information"
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Examples of DSA images.
The registration was used to align frames of an acquired DSA sequence, align the minIP images before and after endovascular treatment (EVT) and align the minIP images across patients. With this registration, motion artifacts caused by patient motion could be mitigated. Intra- and inter- patient DSA could be registered, which is useful for mapping annotated regions on atlas/templates onto specific patients. This registration is part of a pipeline for automatical brain tissue reperfusion scoring algorithm.
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An example of DSA sequence motion correction using simple elastix.
For parameter files see the Elastix Model Zoo repository on GitHub.
version: v2.0rc1 (Simple Elastix)
Command line call: elastixImageFilter = sitk.ElastixImageFilter() elastixImageFilter.SetFixedImage(fixed_image) elastixImageFilter.SetMovingImage(moving_image) parameterMap = elatixImageFilter.ReadParameterFile('Par0062.txt') elastixImageFilter.SetParameterMap(parameterMap) elastixImageFilter.Execute() aligned_img = elastixImageFilter.GetResultImage()
Su et al. (2020) autoTICI: Automatic Brain Tissue Reperfusion Scoring on 2D DSA Images of Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients (submitted)
© 2020 Viktor van der Valk