inter-subject; rigid + affine + B-spline transformation; mutual information metric with a transform bending energy penalty
Screen shot:
An example of the co-registered mouse brain data: on the left you see the used template.
For parameter files see the Elastix Model Zoo repository on GitHub.
version: 4.500
All the data was registerd to a template image. The template image was the fixed image. A fixed image mask was always used.
Command line call:
elastix -f FixedImage_i.mhd -m MovingImage_j.mhd -fMask FixedImageMask_i -p par0033.txt -out outputdir
with: = one of {rigid, similarity, bspline}
[1] [D.I. Bink, K. Ritz, C. Mackaaij, A. Khmelinskii, O.J. de Boer, L.M. Gierman, J.C. Sluimer, L. van der Weerd, M.J.A.P. Daemen, "Neuropathology in mouse models for atherosclerosis," Submitted 2016]
[2] [B. Kogelman et al., "," in preparation 2016]
© 2020 Viktor van der Valk