Par0004 - elastix

Registration Description

intrapatient; rigid + B-spline transformation; mutual information

Image data

Screen shot:



To investigate the effect of the rigidity penalty term, and its separate components, on image registration.

The five data sets contain 30 tumors in total at time t_0, with an average volume of 2.5 ml for the first scan t_0 and 5.1 ml for the follow-up t_1. No new tumors had developed at t_1. The CT image taken at time t_0 was set to be the fixed image. The CT image taken at time t_1 was used as the moving image. A coarse alignment between fixed and moving image was obtained by a rigid registration.

For the nonrigid registrations using the rigidity penalty term, a crude manual segmentation of the tumors was used to define the rigidity coefficient image c(mathbf{x}), setting c(mathbf{x}) to 1.0 for voxels within the tumor and to 0.0 elsewhere. Lung segmentations were used as masks for the fixed and moving image during the registration.

For evaluation of the rigidity of the tumors, precise manual segmentations of the tumors were used. Tumor volume measurements were performed to see if the registration is volume preserving, a condition for rigidity.

Registration Settings

For parameter files see the Elastix Model Zoo repository on GitHub.

elastix version: 3.513

For results reported in Table I, II and III of the paper.

elastix version: 3.703

For results reported in Table IV of the paper.

With regards to the parameter files note the following:

Command line call:

elastix -f baseline_p.mhd -m followup_p.mhd
        -fMask baseline_p_mask.mhd -mMask followup_p_mask.mhd
        -p par0004.rigid.txt -p -out outputdir_p

where p refers to the j-th patient.

Published in

These registration are described in the publication:

M. Staring, S. Klein and J.P.W. Pluim, "A Rigidity Penalty Term for Nonrigid Registration," Medical Physics, vol. 34, no. 11, pp. 4098 - 4108, November 2007.

Other comments

In elastix 4.2 we rewrote the rigidity penalty term metric, so that it works independently from the Mattes mutual information metric. Now it is possible to combine the rigidity penalty term with any metric, not just MI. The new implementation is exactly the same as the old one. In order to use the new one you need to replace several lines in the parameter files from above.

Replace the Registration component from MultiResolutionRegistration to:

(Registration "MultiMetricMultiResolutionRegistration")

Replace the Metric component from MattesMutualInformationWithRigidityPenalty to:

(Metric "AdvancedMattesMutualInformation" "TransformRigidityPenalty")

Replace the RigidityPenaltyWeight with:

(Metric0Weight 1.0)
(Metric1Weight  ... )

The other parameters remain unchanged.

Starting with elastix 4.4 the old implementation was removed.

© 2020 Viktor van der Valk