A Model Zoo for parameter files used for image registration with Elastix, SimpleElastix or ITKElastix in various domains. Parameter files can be uploaded via the GitHub repository.
intra-subject; translational registration; mutual information
intra-subject, inter-subject; mono-modal and multi-modal; rigid, affine and B-spline transformations; mean square difference, normalized correlation, mutual information
intrapatient (sometimes intra-sheep); B-spline transformation; normalized correlation
motion estimation; (cyclic) B-spline transformation; variance over last dimension
intrapatient; B-spline transformation; mutual information
intra-subject; B-spline transformation; Mattes mutual information
inter and intra-subject; rigid + affine transformation
Head-neck, lung and breast cancer patients acquired between 2016-2018. ...
intrapatient; rigid + B-spline transformation; mutual information
intrapatient; Multi B-spline transformation; sliding motion
intra-subject respiratory motion; B-spline transformation
intrapatient; B-spline transformation; several similarity metrics
intrapatient; B-spline transformation; mutual information
interpatient; affine + B-spline transformation; mutual information
Name | Image Properties | Description | Paper |
Par0037 | Chest/Lung CT | intra-subject; translational registration; mutual information | You Zhang, Fang-Fang Yin, Irina Vergalasova, Lei Ren, "Pilot Clinical Study of Orthogonal-view Phase-matched Digital Tomosynthesis for Lung Tumor Localization" _in preparation_ 2015] |
Par0035 | Brain Abdomen Chest/Lung 3D 4D CT Ultrasound MRI | intra-subject, inter-subject; mono-modal and multi-modal; rigid, affine and B-spline transformations; mean square difference, normalized correlation, mutual information | Y. Qiao, B. van Lew, B.P.F. Lelieveldt and M. Staring, "Fast Automatic Step Size Estimation for Gradient Descent Optimization of Image Registration," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, in press. |
Par0011 | Chest/Lung 3D CT | intrapatient (sometimes intra-sheep); B-spline transformation; normalized correlation | Marius Staring, Stefan Klein, Johan H.C. Reiber, Wiro J. Niessen and Berend C. Stoel, Pulmonary Image Registration With `elastix` Using a Standard Intensity-Based Algorithm, EMPIRE10 workshop at MICCAI. |
Par0012 | Carotid Cardiac Chest/Lung 3D 4D CT MRI Ultrasound | motion estimation; (cyclic) B-spline transformation; variance over last dimension | Nonrigid registration of dynamic medical imaging data using nD+t B-splines and a groupwise optimization approach, C.T. Metz, S. Klein, M. Schaap, T. van Walsum and W.J. Niessen, Medical Image Analysis, in press](http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.media.2010.10.003) |
Par0008 | Chest/Lung 3D CT | intrapatient; B-spline transformation; mutual information | K. Murphy, B. van Ginneken, J.P.W. Pluim, S. Klein, and M. Staring, Semi-Automatic Reference Standard Construction for Quantitative Evaluation of Lung CT Registration, in MICCAI, ser. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 5242, 2008, pp. 1006 – 1013. |
Par0049 | Chest/Lung 3D CT | intra-subject; B-spline transformation; Mattes mutual information | Sokooti, et al. (2017), Accuracy Estimation for Medical Image Registration Using Regression Forests. |
Par0056 | Chest/Lung X-Ray Ultrasound | inter and intra-subject; rigid + affine transformation | D. van Berlo, A. Khmelinskii*, A. Gasparini*, F. J. Salguero, B. Floot, N. de Wit, M. van de Ven, J. Y. Song, R. P. Coppes, M. Verheij, J. J. Sonke and C. Vens, "Micro Cone Beam Computed Tomography for sensitive assessment of radiation-induced late lung toxicity in preclinical models," accepted, Radiotherapy & Oncology, 2019](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167814019304062?via%3Dihub) |
Par0058 | Head & Neck Chest/Lung CT | Head-neck, lung and breast cancer patients acquired between 2016-2018. ... | Maspero M, Houweling AC, Savenije MH, van Heijst TC, Verhoeff JJ, Kotte AN, van den Berg CA. A single neural network for cone-beam computed tomography-based radiotherapy of head-and-neck, lung and breast cancer. Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology. 2020 Apr 1;14:24-31. doi:[https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phro.2020.04.002](https://doi.org/10.1016/j.phro.2020.04.002); |
Par0004 | Chest/Lung 3D CT | intrapatient; rigid + B-spline transformation; mutual information | M. Staring, S. Klein and J.P.W. Pluim, "A Rigidity Penalty Term for Nonrigid Registration," Medical Physics, vol. 34, no. 11, pp. 4098 - 4108, November 2007. |
Par0016 | Chest/Lung 3D CT | intrapatient; Multi B-spline transformation; sliding motion | V. Delmon, S. Rit, R. Pinho, and D. Sarrut, "Direction dependent B-splines decomposition for the registration of sliding objects", Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Pulmonary Image Analysis, Toronto, Canada, pp. 45–55, 09/2011.][1] |
Par0054 | Chest/Lung 3D CT | intra-subject respiratory motion; B-spline transformation | Christopher L. Guy, Elizabeth Weiss, Gary E. Christensen, Nuzhat Jan, and Geoffrey D. Hugo, "CALIPER: A deformable image registration algorithm for large geometric changes during radiotherapy for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer," Medical Physics, 45 (6), June 2018. doi.org/10.1002/mp.12891 |
Par0015 | Chest/Lung 3D CT | intrapatient; B-spline transformation; several similarity metrics | M. Staring, M.E. Bakker, J. Stolk, D.P. Shamonin, J.H.C. Reiber, and B.C. Stoel, "Towards Local Progression Estimation of Pulmonary Emphysema using CT", Medical Physics, vol. 41, no. 2, pp. 021905-1 - 021905-13, 2014. |
Par0007 | Chest/Lung 4D CT | intrapatient; B-spline transformation; mutual information | K. Ding, J.E. Bayouth, J.M. Buatti, G.E Christensen, and J.M. Reinhardt, 4DCT-Based Measurement of Radiation Induced Changes in Pulmonary Function, submitted. |
Par0003 | Chest/Lung 3D CT | interpatient; affine + B-spline transformation; mutual information | S. Klein, M. Staring, K. Murphy, M.A. Viergever, J.P.W. Pluim, "`elastix`: a toolbox for intensity based medical image registration," IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 196-205, 2010. |
© 2020 Viktor van der Valk